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About US

We import for you the tried and tested wooden products of the highest quality. All the products are made of Northern spruce .

Finnish wood of spruce is remarkable for its long lifetime. This wood is resistant to outdoor conditions and can be used in the interior and exterior as well. Most of products we offer are also in the form of treated ThermoWood; it means that the wood was dried at high temperatures for a long time. Due to this the wood is perfectly dried out, does not contain any resin and pitch and its permanent stability is guaranteed in different weather.


Family Relax Garden


Relax all year long …


Terezínská 1359, 413 01, Roudnice nad Labem
Phone: +420 777 560 032

Farega s.r.o.

Varšavská 715/36 120 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic

Company ID: 07797362

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